Monday, May 2, 2011

feELING..+ HEArt..+ loVE...= PErsOn..=)

mesti korang nk tahukan kenape tibe2 aq wat tajuk nie..hehe
takde pape pun..just suke2...=)

firstly is FEELING..

ikut wikipedia  adalah:
can be describe the physical sensation of touch through either experience or perception. The word is also used to describe experiences, other than the physical sensation of touch, such as "a feeling of warmth".[1] In psychology, the word is usually reserved for the conscious subjective experience of emotion

but for me...feeling is lebih kurangla dgn ape yg wiki gtau..hehe tapi dlam malay nye...
sesuatu yang kita rase.lebih kurang macam emosi la..ia lahir dari hati...
sukar disembunyikan..dan akan terzahir sendiri..
cubela sembunyi macm mane pun mesti nmpak jugak...emm...susahkan..
yela..kalau kite takut..bley kite sorok muka yg pucat to? bley?bley? 
kalau kte happy pun bley kte sorok? cdey pun bley kte sorok? kalau setakat nk control to bley la kan..
aq pun sukar nk control emosi too...emmm..mmg sukarla nk buat kan..
sebab i'm being myself...takkan semata2 nk berubah sebab somebody kan...
lain la kalau family aq suruh or my bf ke...ehm2...hehe 

then HEART...
kalau direct translatenye membawa kepada jantung..
tapi bagi kte as a human nie...kalau haiwan mmg tak pahm kan..heh
heart =hati..
hati yang kite sendiri pun sukar nk fahami...
kadang2 aq pun pelik dgn hati aq sendiri..mulut kate benci tapi hati kate sayang..
mesti korang pernah dgr kn.."mulut kata lain hati kate lain"..
emm...sukar sbnrnye nk bagi jawapan kalau melibatkan hati..btol tak?
mesti korang pernah rase kan...bile sampai waktu yg memerlukan kte membuat keputusan..
kite terpakse ambil mase untuk pk sedalam2nye...
terutamanya yg melibatkan relationship nie...
walaupun jawapan yang diterima mungkin akan membawa kepada sadness or happiness..
but thats the result..we have no choice..right? =)

next is LOVE...

wikipedia definitions:
Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment.[1] In philosophical context, love is a virtue representing all of humankindnesscompassion, and affection personal opinions..
talk about love all of us know thats love is something that pure..
suci la orang kate...suci from what?
emm....rasenye dari perasaan2 negatif kot sebab cinta nie hadir sendiri..
tanpa diundang..tanpa ditanam tapi harus dibaja dengan kasih sayang dan perhatian..
if not...dye akn layu dan mati begitu saje..sayangkan kalau sume nie terjadi..
cinta akan sunyi jika tidak disertai dengan cemburu dan perbalahan..(gaduh manje..)
cemburu tandanya sayang dan gaduh manje nie untuk rapatkan lagi relationship kite..
contohnye la...kite kate bju warna biru cntik tapi di dye kate tak cntik..then kte ttp kate cntik..
so dye akan tahu yg kite suke wrne biru..tak gto? hehe
but jeleous is quit dangerous...especially cemburu buta nie..
emm...nasihat aq kepada yg relationship jauh to jgn terlalu cemburu buta k...
just trust him..girl nie selalunye ngade2 ckit..semua nk tahu..
tapi kite takley slahkan girl sebb girl mmg suke dimanje dan diberi perhatian..
tak gto? ( aq mcm to kowt...hehe)
kadang cdey bile ditinggal kan kesepian tapi kte kena tahu sebabnye..
thats why explanation is very important make it clear to ur girl or boy ok...
dont hanging them...its hurt..(i think it must be hurt..hehe)
then..always trust them..but never give ur full trust ok..
u will be disappointed if your are betrayed..=)

there're some quotes about love..:

*Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty. 

*Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself - and especially to feel. Or, not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is.

* Some people come into our lives,
Leave footprints in our hearts,
And we are never ever the same.

" Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime,
and never let go till we're gone."

*When you are in love and you get hurt, it’s like a cut... it will heal, but there will always be a scar

then why i my title are 
feeling..+ heart..+love..= person..?
u all mesti nk tahu kan..sebab sumenye saling berkaitan...
i'll show you the relations between those words..
when you feel something..such as you like something or hate something it must comes from your heart right?
when your heart grow the feelings it will become bigger and bigger..
if you like someone..your heart will keep saying it and those feeling grows by itself..
and then you start to search everything about her/ want to know everything..
then..thats how love start to feel love on yourself..
its come naturally...(song by selena gomez "naturally")

thats why = person is the last word..
when your feeling grows in your heart it will become stronger and you feel love to that person..
thats it..and lastly be honest to yourself..dont play with someone hearts..its really hurt..=)

ini adalah pandangan semata-mata..tiada kena-mengena antara hidup ataupun mati..
jika yg terkena atau terasa..seribu kemaafan dipohon...
but never forget to be urself and be honest to people you love..tq..=)

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